Categories: Yogyakarta

The 8 Attractiveness of Baron Beach Worth Exploring

Have you ever heard about Baron Beach? It is one of the famous beaches in the Gunung Kidul Regency of Yogyakarta which is different from the attractiveness of Jimbaran Beach. The seafood cuisine is the one that becomes the attractiveness of Baron Beach.

Most tourists come to Baron Beach to taste the delicious seafood. Moreover, locals offer their kitchens to cook fresh fish from fishermen. That makes tourist can afford the best price both from the fishermen and the chef that is different from the attractiveness of Slili Beach.

Other than that, there are other attractions of Baron Beach, which make tourists come there similar to the attractiveness of Parangtritis Beach.

If you are wondering what kind of attractiveness Baron Beach is, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Fishermen ships

Baron Beach contains so many ships from the fishermen daily. They are fishing the fish around Baron Beach. Not surprisingly, that makes the beach becomes a fish market significantly.

Fishermen commonly offer different types of fish, such as barracuda, red snapper, mackerel, cob, shrimp, crabs, and many more. As they come directly from the fishermen, the price comes at a low rate.

Tourist makes the fish market becomes the attractiveness of Baron Beach for a fish shopping haul which is different to the attractiveness Tanjung Lesung.

2. Fishing

Fishing is one of the attractiveness of Baron Beach. As the source of fish on the ocean, Baron Beach is a perfect place for tourists that love to fish around the beach.

Fishing in Baron Beach can be done from around the hills that surround the beach. If tourists want to explore the beach more, they can rent the ships from the fishermen which is different from the attractiveness of Tanjung Kelayang.

The fishermen will kindly be helping tourists that love to fish with them on their ship. Locals around offer bait food to complete the fishing tools.

3. Low rate seafood cuisine

Baron Beach is pretty famous for its low-rate seafood cuisine. Not surprisingly, most tourists come to visit the beach to taste the seafood. Tourists can buy fresh fish from the fishermen at a bargain price.

If get lucky, tourists can afford the best price from the fishermen. Around the beach, there are so many locals Warung that offers tourists to cook their fish. The same goes for the fishermen, Warung owner will give the best price for cooking the fish.

Not only cooking the fish, but locals will also offer completely cooked rice and drinks. That makes tourists can enjoy the beauty of the beach without worrying about their lunch.

4. Baron cape lighthouse

Baron cape lighthouse is one of the attractiveness of Baron Beach. Locals commonly know it as the Mercusuar Tanjung Baron. The cape lighthouse has about 40km in height.

Baron Cape lighthouse was specifically built to observe the fishermen’s ships. During fishing time, the fishermen will be safer while the lighthouse watches over them.

Baron cape lighthouse is built around 2014, and it becomes popular for tourism since then. Tourists need to pay IDR5000 to explore the lighthouse. During sunset, the magnificent scenery from the peak of the lighthouse is mind-blowing.

5. Baron Techno Park

Baron Techno Park is one of the attractiveness of Baron Beach. It is a kind of natural power plant that uses the wind as the main source of energy. This kind of Techno Park is capable to afford up to 15kilowatt for electricity sources.

Baron Techno Park is located around the west cliff of Baron Beach. Techno Park supports electricity around the Baron Beach area only. This kind of Techno Park is not only useful for sourcing energy but also for education tourism.

Baron Techno Park is pretty useful to support the fishermen’s life during fishing. It helps them to catch so many fresh fish from the Baron Beach.

6. Gulf and river

Baron Beach has a unique beach that contains a gulf and river in one place. That becomes the attractiveness of Baron Beach for tourists to come to see their beauty of them.

The gulf and the river in Baron Beach is the amazing place where the ocean water mixes with freshwater. That brings so many tourists to come to explore the water inside.

The gulf and the river in Baron Beach have crystal clear water. The water comes with the freshwater type even though it is located around the beach. Tourists can do so many activities around there, such as swimming and more.

7. Larung Sesaji

Larung Sesaji is one of the attractiveness of Baron Beach that bring tourist come here. It is a kind of traditional custom culture from locals. They will do specific rituals complete with the offerings.

Locals will pray while they are letting the offerings go to the ocean from Baron Beach. Most locals are fishermen that looking for the grateful sustenance from the god. The ceremony is commonly held sacredly, but tourists are allowed to watch the ritual for free.

8. Camping ground

There is a camping ground around the hills of Baron Beach that is worth trying. During the weekend, the place can be crowded by tourists that take a camp over there.

The camping ground has beautiful scenery facing the ocean from Baron Beach. Mostly, tourist is pretty difficult to build a tent over the seashore. That’s because so many fishermen are already there.

That is why the camping ground is located around the hills that surrounded Baron Beach.

Some of the attractiveness of Baron Beach above are worth exploring. Time by time tourists come directly there to feel the different experiences in Baron Beach.

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