Categories: Yogyakarta

The 8 Attractiveness of Indrayanti Beach Brings New Adventures

Have you ever heard about Indrayanti Beach? The beach is located in Gunung Kidul Regency of Yogyakarta. It is becoming one of the must-visit beaches when visiting Yogyakarta similar to the attractiveness of Baron Beach.

Yogyakarta has many hidden gems contains beaches that are located in a remote village. Indrayanti Beach becomes one of those hidden gems which bring new adventures to Indrayanti Beach for tourism.

Similar to other beaches in Yogyakarta, Indrayanti Beach also contains so much beauty inside similar to the attractiveness of Slili Beach. Not surprisingly if tourists come there because of the attractiveness of Indrayanti Beach.

If you are wondering about other beauty that causes the attractiveness of Indrayanti Beach, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. White sands

The white sands are one of the attractiveness of Indrayanti Beach that triggered tourists to visit there. The pure color of the white sands in Indrayanti Beach also comes softer compared to other beaches in Yogyakarta.

The white sands in Indrayanti Beach are a perfect place to explore for white sand lovers which is different from the attractiveness of Parangtritis Beach. Moreover, if the sands align with the seashore, the beauty of the beach come so real to explore.

Most tourists love come to visit Indrayanti Beach because of its white sand. Not only has a clean white sand, but it is also perfect for sunbathing and camping.

2. Sunbathing

Sunbathing over the white sands is one of the attractiveness of Indrayanti Beach. The softer white sands will bring the most comfortable way to lay under the sun. Choosing the right time to sunbathe in Indrayanti Beach is a must.

During the day, the sun will sun brighter even if it is cloudy over the sky. In the morning up to ten after midnight can be the best time for sunbathing in Indrayanti Beach. After three previous midnight can be the alternative time for sunbathing as well.

Moreover, during those times, Indrayanti Beach has less crowded by tourists. It can be the perfect time for sunbathing which is similar to the attractiveness of Jimbaran Beach.

3. Magnificent Sunset

Sunset is one of the attractiveness of Indrayanti Beach that triggered tourists coming there. The magnificent sunset over there becomes the most awaited moment for most tourists.

The mixed color of the sun configures perfectly with the crystal clear blue ocean water. The way of the sun’s rays when turning into a golden color will be mind-blowing to everyone who sees it.

These beauties bring the most magnificent sunset to Indrayanti Beach. That makes most tourists get more comfortable to enjoy the sunset.

4. Gazebo

Gazebo becomes one of the attractions of Indrayanti Beach that can be useful for tourists. It can be the best place for sightseeing at the beach or just enjoying the wind of Indrayanti Beach.

Not only perfect for laying in the Gazebo but is also perfect for sunbathing. If you love to enjoy the sun under the roof, taking a place in a Gazebo of Indrayanti Beach can be the best option.

Most tourist also opens their lunch box in the Gazebo which is different from the attractiveness of Tanjung Lesung. Whether they bring the food from home or buy it around Indrayanti Beach, eating food there can be more delicious.

5. Tourist attractions

There are so many tourist attractions in Indrayanti Beach. Tourists can take a participant to enjoy one of those attractions to get a better experience while exploring Indrayanti Beach.

Locals offer some of tourist attractions with a complete safety tool. The rate varies depending on the attractions that you choose. Not only for adults but there are also tourist attractions for kids.

Most of the tourist attractions in Indrayanti Beach are friendly for family vacations. There is jet skiing, a swimming pool, a kid zone, snorkeling, surfing, camping, and more.

6. Worth Culinary

Indrayanti Beach has a famous worth culinary. It becomes the attractiveness of Indrayanti Beach that bring tourist to visit the beach. Not only delicious, but the cuisine also comes in a variety.

From seafood, Gudeg, and Bakso, to specific local cuisines, Indrayanti Beach has them all. Tourists can choose them all into their preferences. The places also vary from local restaurants to fancy ones.

Indrayanti Beach is famous for its delicious cuisine. That makes the culinary is worth trying. Locals offer a variant menu that cooks with a traditional recipe. Some restaurants also offer Western food as well.

7. Hike to Bukit Karang

Indrayanti Beach contains some hills that are worth hiking. Outside the beauty of the beach, taking a simple hike to Bukit Karang will bring the most exciting experience. Exploring the beach by hiking the hill can be the best adventurous moment.

Bukit Karang in Indrayanti Beach is only located east of the beach. The hill becomes the state of Indrayanti Beach with the South of the Beaches in Yogyakarta.

8. Low-budget hotels and villas

Indrayanti Beach offers the lowest-budget hotels and villas. Instead of camping, some tourists prefer to stay in hotels or villas. Locals offer some of the low-budget places that can be afforded easily by tourists.

Most hotels and villas are also located not too far from Indrayanti Beach. Tourists can only take a walk to get to the beach. They can enjoy sunset and sunrise when staying in hotels or villas.

Those magnificent things above became the attractiveness of Indrayanti Beach, which triggered tourists to come over there. If you love to take a new adventure to explore the beauty of the beach, Indrayanti Beach can be the best option.

Are you ready to explore Indrayanti Beach? Let’s pack your bag and bring a new adventure over there.

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