Categories: West Nusa Tenggara

6 Amazing Tourist Attractions in West Sumbawa You won’t Regret Visiting

Sumbawa is an island located in West Nusa Tenggara province. This island is separated from Lombok Island by the Strait of Alas and from Komodo Island by the Sape Strait.

Spend time reading How Do I Get to Komodo Island from Jakarta : Capital to Tip of East Nusa Tenggara if you wish to visit it once. Sumbawa is also the largest island in West Nusa Tenggara. This city is also blessed by the spectacular scenery of a lot of amazing tourist attractions.

West Sumbawa has a lot of amazing tourist attractions, starting from beaches, waterfalls and islands. Most tourists coming to Sumbawa enjoy snorkeling and diving as it has turquoise waters and sandy beaches.

Let’s visit these 6 amazing tourist attractions in West Sumbawa you won’t regret visiting!

  • Kenawa Island
Exotic view of Kenawa Island from the air

Kenawa Island is one of the famous and attractive tourist attractions in West Sumbawa. It is located in Poto Tano, West Sumbawa Regency. Kenawa Island is an uninhabited island and it is famous for its savannah grasslands. Tourists can also visit the medium-sized hill in the middle of the island.

Tourists can climb the hill in just 10 minutes. From the top of the hill, they can see the best charm of Kenawa Island, starting from its green savannahs, clear blue sea and clean white sand beaches. Tourists can also enjoy snorkeling or diving to see the beauty of underwater life.

  • Maluk Beach
Maluk Beach, remote-but-paradise beach for surfers

West Sumbawa also has some amazing beaches, one of which is Maluk Beach. Maluk Beach is located in the Jereweh District, West Sumbawa Regency. This beach is quite remote and a paradise for surfers. Its nice waves has made Maluk Beach become one of the best beaches in the world and heaven for surfers.

Nearby West Sumbawa, there is Dompu which has some amazing beaches too. See the complete list of the 3 Beautiful and Breezy Beaches in Dompu, West Nusa Tenggara.

If you don’t feel like you want to surf, then you can do beach walking instead or just sit leisurely on the soft white sand. Wait for the sunset as it will give you the best scenery. You can also watch the sea turtles in the turtle breeding sanctuary nearby the beach.

  • Paserang Island
Gazebos in Paserang Island, best spot for viewing the sea

Another island to visit in West Sumbawa is Paserang Island. This island is located in Poto Tano, West Sumbawa Regency. One of the things tourists can enjoy here is trekking. There are two roads tourists can take for trekking: the west and east side.

The west side leads you to the beautiful view of Mount Rinjani, one of the mountains in Indonesia for hiking. On the other hand, the east one leads you to the exotic expansion of the blue sea.

In terms of its facilities, tourists shouldn’t be worried. The facilities in Paserang Island is complete enough, such as toilets, electric lighting and gazebo. Tourists can also enjoy snorkeling and swimming here as the waves are calm.

  • Jelenga Beach
Jelenga Beach with its clear sand and crystal seawater

Jelenga Beach is considered different than the other beaches as it features crystal clear seawater along with green mountainous panorama.

This beach also has sea turtle conservation. Tourists will be able to see beautiful small sea turtles, take pictures of them and learn how to take care of the eggs and Tukik. The good thing is it is all free!

Another thing to do in Jelenga Beach is surfing. The waves are perfect for surfing though they are not as big as those in Bali Island, it would still satisfy everyone. Do you enjoy surfing? Then take a closer look at these 13 Best Surfing Spots In Indonesia You Must Try.

  • Mantun Hill
Star-shaped wooden viewing post in Mantun Hill

Do you enjoy trekking? Then you can visit Mantun Hill. While trekking in Mantun Hill, you will be able to enjoy the challenge and see the view of the fabulous nature up there.

You can choose different destinations, one of which is the star-shaped wooden viewing post featuring the wooden bridge. This spot can be quite challenging for those who are afraid of height.

Besides trekking, visitors coming to this place also enjoy photography. All the parts of the hill are perfect to be captured. The best time to take pictures is the dusk.

The hill features a perfect sunset in the afternoon! From the top of the hill, visitors can also enjoy the view of Maluk Beach. Trust me, the blue sea looks amazing from up there! It is a must to go there!

  • Benete Beach
Beautiful panorama by Benete Beach

Another amazing beach you should visit in West Sumbawa is Benete Beach. Benete Beach is famous for having beautiful panorama. The shoreline features some stunning hills on both sides. It feels peaceful to stay here due to the low number of tourists coming to this place.

The sound of the waves is also able to soothe the tourists’ mind. If you wish to have a peaceful vacation where there aren’t lot of people, then Benete Beach could be perfect for you!

Despite the fact that it has low number of tourists, this beach is interesting as there are many boats passing by and drop by nearby the local port.

Tourists can take photos of this scene or just go sightseeing. Besides that, tourists can also relax in this beach due to its peaceful ambiance.

If you plan to visit Sumbawa Island, then take notes on things to do in Sumbawa Besar Indonesia too!

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