Categories: Mountain

8 Accessible Mountains to Hike in Sumatra

Have you ever heard that some mountains to hike in Sumatra exist? For so many years the facts that the island of Sumatra has a lot of mountains become so popular for hikers. Most of them are different from some of the most popular trekking spots in Bali.

Most of the mountains to hike in Sumatra are commonly located among two or more provinces. That is because most mountains in Sumatra commonly have higher and wider sizes. These facts make so many hikers wonder to hike those mountains as well.

Commonly the hikers that come to the most accessible mountains to hike in Sumatra are not only local hikers but foreign hikers as well. If you are wondering where to go to some mountains to hike in Sumatra, here we have some of them below.

Let’s check them out!

1. Leuser Mount

Leuser mount is one of the most accessible mountains to hike in Sumatra. As one of the highest mounts on Sumatra Island, having a hike toward the peak of this mountain can be the most unforgettable adventure to try.

Leuser mount is located around Gayo Lues regency in the province of Nangroe Aceh Darussalam. To hike this mount you can start from Bukit Lawang. The trek towards the peak commonly passes through the jungle of the Leuser mount national park.

During the hike toward the top of the Leuser mount, you may meet many Indonesian floras and faunas around the jungle of the nature tourism of North Sumatra. There are also a lot of wild Orang Utans, elephants, snakes, Sumatran tigers, and many more that you need to be aware of.

2. Sibayak Mount

Sibayak mount is one of the most accessible mountains to hike in Sumatra. It is located in Karo regency in North Sumatra, which can be reached in about two hours drive from Medan.

Sibayak mount has the unique landscape of the mountains, which contains higher sulfur than you think at the crate. Makes this mount has beautiful scenery of the rocks of the mountain that different from other mounts in Sumatra.

3. Sinabung Mount

Sinabung mount is one of the most popular mountains to hike in Sumatra. It is located in the Karo regency of North Sumatra and nowadays becomes one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia.

Sinabung mount used to become the most accessible mountains to hike in Sumatra before it becomes the most active volcano. Nowadays, you need to check the government warning about the status of this mount before you decide to hike this mount.

4. Kerinci Mount

Kerinci mount is one of the most accessible mountains to hike in Indonesia. It is located between the border of Jambi province and West Sumatra province. It has around 3.805 meters above the seawater and needs some days to reach the top of the mount.

As one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia, hiking to Kerinci mount is always becomes the most exciting moment for hikers. During the peak season of holidays, this mount is always crowded with hikers most of the time because it is one of the most popular natural attractions in Jambi.

5. Tujuh Mount

Tujuh mount is one of the most accessible mountains to hike in Sumatra. This mount is located around the Kerinci Seblat National park, where you can explore so many things during your hike toward the top of it.

Tujuh mount is one of the ancient volcanoes in Indonesia that was almost extinct after it exploded thousand years ago. The explosion caused a gigantic caldera under the mount, which reaches around 4.5 kilometers long of the lake. It becomes one of the most popular lakes in Sumatra from time to time.

You can start to hike from the lake of Tujuh Gunung and rent a canoe from there. The mount has epic scenery around completed with wildlife living such as faunas and floras as well.

6. Dempo Mount

Dempo mount is one of the most accessible mountains to hike in Sumatra. It is located in Bengkulu of South Sumatra and becomes one of the highest mountains in South Sumatra.

Dempo mount has seven unique craters at the top of the mounts which represent a green color of its. You can start to hike this mount from Pagar Alam, which you can reach about five hours driving from Bengkulu or Padang in West Sumatra.

7. Kaba Mount

Kaba mount is one of the most popular mountains to hike in Sumatra. It is located in Bengkulu of South Sumatra, which becomes one of the most accessible mountains to hike in Sumatra.

Kaba mount is commonly called the Kaba hills, which sometimes locals call that way. Nowadays, this mount is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia that can explode within no time.

8. Talamau Mount

Talamau mount is one of the most accessible mountains to hike in Sumatra. It is located in the Pasaman regency of West Sumatra. It has a unique landscape that makes so many hikers want to hike the mountain as one of the natural attractions in West Sumatra.

Talamau mount has more than 2000 elevations, and it takes some days to trek to reach the top of the mountain. Commonly it takes about three or four days to go and come back from the summit expedition.

So, there are some of the most popular mountains to hike in Sumatra. Most of them are having the most accessible trek, which makes it the easier way to get to the top of the mountains for hikers.

Before deciding to hike one of those mountains, you better check the accessible way for it to BASARNAS around the mountain. That will help you the most to have safe hiking to the mountain you love the most hike.

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