Categories: Mountain

6 Easy Mountains to Hike in Java for Beginners

Do you love hiking? For some people, hiking can be challenging and frightening, however, there is always a way to start it. Indonesia has some mountains that have great, amazing and stunning view. Indonesia also has some mountains to hike as listed in mountains to hike in Kediri and mountains to hike in Maluku.

If you’re a beginner, you can also try mountains to climb for beginners in West Java. However, there are and more mountains to explore, specifically in Java island. Take a closer look at these 6 easy mountains to hike in Java for beginners.

  • Mount Andong, Central Java
Popular Mount Andong in Magelang

Many hikers prefer hiking Mount Andong in Magelang, Central Java, as it has the best sunrise views in the mornings. This mountain is 4,800 feet above sea level and a popular hiking location among beginners. It takes only around 2 hours to reach the summit.

Adjacent to the summit, you will find Mangli Forest. In this forest. you can camp among the picturesque pine trees and green grassland. When you’re at the summit, you can view the other two mountains nearby: Merapi and Merbabu.

If you wish to hike this mountain, then you can start at 3 a.m. so that you can reach the summit just in time for the sun to rise.

  • Mount Gandul, Central Java
Mount Gandul in Wonogiri

Still from Central Java, Mount Gandul in Wonogiri is another easy mountain to hike for beginners. The area is facilitated with paved footpaths with stairs in some parts. This mountain is popular for beginners, even those with children!

You will need around 30 to 45 minutes to reach the top. From the top, you will be able to see the town of Wonogiri. Along the way to the summit, sights of cliffs standing along the footpaths will greet you.

The best time to hike is at around 8 a.m. before it is too hot, or earlier at around 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. just in time for the sun to set as you reach the top.

  • Mount Ijen, East Java
Blue Fire in on the top of Mount Ijen

Located in East Java, Mount Ijen provides an easy hiking trail with magnificent view. You must have heard about the famous blue fire phenomenon happening in Mount Ijen. Now, you can experience it by yourself!

The time needed to reach the top is around 2.5 to 3 hours. Be careful as you climb the mountain as it has sandy and quite steep hiking trail at some spots. Besides hiking, make sure to put these things to do in Ijen Banyuwangi too!

  • Mount Gede Pangrango, West Java
Mount Gede Pangrango, West Java

Let’s move to West Java area. West Java also has Mount Gede Pangrango which is suitable for beginner hikers. It is famous for its beautiful views all around and short hiking trail. Moreover, this mountain also has a field of edelweiss flower that will make your experience hiking there unforgettable.

As you roam around, you will find some kinds of natural wonders, such as beautiful waterfall and hot springs. Enjoy your time there as you may need around 6 to 8 hours to hike this mountain. However, this duration of time will worth it!

If you love hiking so much, make sure you also gain fun experience by hiking these mountains to hike in Bandung.

  • Mount Semeru, East Java

Who doesn’t know Mount Semeru? It has a beautiful and stunning view. Located on the mountain, there is Ranu Kumbolo Lake. It takes around 3 to 5 hours to reach the natural locations of the mountain.

However, your tiredness will be paid off by the exotic view you can enjoy from the top of the mountain. Mount Semeru is one of the best sunset spots.

  • Mount Papandayan, West Java
Edelweiss flower field in Mount Papandayan

Back to West Java, there’s Mount Papandayan with its easy hiking trail. It is regularly visited by both amateur and experienced hikers. You will find some craters along the way, such as Mas Crater, Baru Crater, Nangklak Crater, and Manuk Crater.

On top of the mountain, you will find the vast edelweiss field, especially on Tegal Alun Peak. You will take around 4 to 5 hours to reach the top. If you wish to camp here, you can set up your tent in Post Salada.

These mountains are friendly to hike for beginners. However, you still need to do research by the internet to study for the location or even ask the locals. Remember, safety is the most important thing.

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