Categories: Jambi

8 Most Popular Natural Attractions in Jambi

Have a plan to visit Jambi? Their natural attractions are worth visiting as Jambi has the beauty of nature from their landscape. Some of the natural attractions in Jambi are so popular in Indonesian tourism and look similar to some of the family-friendly tourist attractions in Bali.

Jambi is located on Sumatra Island, which becomes a beautiful island and the center city of Jambi province. As the biggest city in Jambi province, it’s surrounded by some beautiful natural attractions.

The natural attractions in Jambi contain mountains, hills, waterfalls, and the beach. Most of them are spread in some different areas that make you want to explore them all. Once you start exploring one of them, you would be getting more excited to examine one another.

Speaking of it, here we have the list of the natural attractions in Jambi that you can explore during your holiday. Let’s check them out below!

1. Mount Kerinci

Mount Kerinci is one of the most popular natural attractions in Jambi that you can explore. If you are into hiking, sightseeing nature, sunset, or sunrise hunter, then exploring Mount Kerinci is worth more than enough.

Mount Kerinci is located around the borderline of the Jambi province and West Sumatra. The mount becomes the most iconic natural attraction in Jambi from time to time as one of the most beautiful mountains to hike in Jambi.

What makes these natural attractions in Jambi so popular? One of the reasons for it is because it becomes the highest mount in Jambi, and even become the second-highest mountain in Indonesia after Jaya Wijaya mount in Papua.

2. Taman Telun Berasap

Taman Telun Berasap is one of the most popular natural attractions in Jambi that you can explore. It is a kind of park with the highest waterfall in Jambi that is located around the Kerinci national park of the Kayu Aro district in Kerinci regency.

Taman Telun Berasap is popular with its highest waterfall that has about 50 meters in height. It is surrounded by natural rock and green forest which makes it more beautiful to have to sightsee the area. The water flowing at the biggest amount makes the area has a spooky effect on it.

3. The Lake of Gunung Tujuh

The lake of Gunung Tujuh is one of the most popular natural attractions in Jambi that you can explore during your holiday. The lake is located under the Pelompek village of the Kayu Aro district at Kerinci regency.

The lake of the Gunung Tujuh offers the most beautiful scenery of the natural forest, seven hills, and Kerinci Mount. All of them surround the lake in Jambi which made the scenery around mesmerizing to look at.

You can explore the lake of Gunung Tujuh by a little ship operated by a local fisherman. It may need more than hours and hours to explore all of the lakes in a day.

4. Penyu Island

Penyu Island is one of the most popular natural attractions in Jambi that you can explore. It is a kind of island surrounded by white sand beaches in Jambi and a lagoon complete with turtle living.

Penyu Island becomes the most magnetic tourist visit in Jambi for those who love the beach and turtles. You can see the turtle conservatory for saving the turtle on no living island there.

By visiting the Penyu Island you will get not only beautiful nature but also refresh your mind. The blue water of the ocean on the beach is magnifying see that makes you wouldn’t move from there quickly.

5. Sungai Medang Waterfall

Sungai Medang waterfall is one of the most popular natural attractions in Jambi that you can explore after mount Kerinci. This waterfall is located around Medang River in Kerinci regency.

Sungai Medang waterfall has its natural water that flows from the Medang River. It is surrounded by some natural rocks and trees from the forest. That makes you can relax your day to enjoy the nature there.

6. Kolam Jodoh Waterfall

Kolam Jodoh waterfall is one of the most popular natural attractions in Jambi that you can explore. This waterfall is located around the Geopark Jambi areas in the Merangin regency.

Kolam Jodoh waterfall is so popular among local people that spread to foreign tourists as the waterfall to find the one true destiny. Local people believe if you take a bath at this waterfall, your will get easily find your couple for you to get married soon.

7. Telago Biru

Telago Biru is one of the most popular natural attractions in Jambi that you can explore when you visit the Merangin regency. That is because this place is located around Merangin regency specifically around Tanjung Alam of the Tenang River.

Telago Biru is a kind of lake that has blue water from the lake when the sun rises. The color of the blue sky is ricocheting the water so that makes it so blue to look at. The scenery around the lake is surrounded by natural green forest which makes it more beautiful to enjoy.

8. The Lake of Biru Muara Tembesi

The lake of Biru Muara Tembesi is one of the most popular natural attractions in Jambi that you can explore. It is located around Kebun Baru village of the Muara Tembesi district of the Batanghari regency.

The lake of the Biru Muara Tembesi has the most beautiful blue water scenery during the day. The day is made by the leftover area of the ground that was taken out for the brick materials.

So, there are some of the natural attractions in Jambi that you can explore during your holiday. Have you ever explored them all? Which one that becomes your favorite so far?

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