Categories: Lampung

4 Must-Try Mountains to Hike in Lampung

If you love challenges in travelling, you should consider hiking on mountains as one of the activities during your holiday. It is challenging and thrilling, but it surely gives you a great sensation of satisfaction once you reach the top of the mountain. You can Explore and Conquer! 3 Mountains to Hike in Maluku. Besides beautiful beaches, Maluku also has some outstanding mountains.

Indonesia is one of the countries that has some outstanding mountains to hike. Lampung is one of the provinces that becomes heavens for mountain hikers. Besides, you might also be interested to visit 9 Beautiful Beaches in Lampung that Could Boost Your Mood while you are in Lampung. It also has some great mountains to hike. Let’s see the 4 must-try mountains to hike in Lampung that become heavens for hikers.

  • Tanggamus Mountain, City of Agung (Kota Agung)

Tanggamus Mountain is located in Kota Agung, Tanggamus District, South Lampung. This mountain is around 2,100 meter above sea level. From the top of this mountain, you can enjoy the breathtaking scenery and even you can see Teluk Semangka from there.

For hiking, the most common path is from Gisting. From Gisting, you must walk for 5 kilometers to reach the road. Then, you need to walk for 5 kilometer until you reach snorkeling basecamp. Then, 15 minutes from there, you will find an entrance gate. After going through this entrance gate, you will find the second shelter.

The challenge you will face during the hiking is the steep hill that the hikers should use some helping tools to reach the top. Moreover, there is no water on the top of the mountain, so hikers are suggested to bring water from the starting point or the snorkeling basecamp.

All the exhaust during the hike will be paid off when you finally find the forest of moss that is cool and exotic on top of the mountain.

This mountain must be put on your list if you love hiking and visit Lampung! After visiting this mountain, you can explore these 6 Delicious Food from Lampung Worth Trying!

  • Rajabasa Mountain, South Lampung
Rajabasa Mountain

This mountain is actually a small and cone-shaped volcano. The height of this mountain is around 1,281 meters above sea level. The unique thing about this mountain is the location. The location of this mountain is not really far from the beach. Though this mountain is not really high, but the view of the sea from the top is really clear and good.

You can access the closest village, namely Sumur Kumbang Village by renting a kind of public vehicle there both from Bandar Lampung or Bakauheni Port. It might take around 2 hours to reach this place.

From this village, the normal hiking to the peak might take around 7 hours by passing 5 posts. On the way to the top, you will pass through the coffee and chocolate farms owned by the local people. The steps might be a bit steep, but there are some flat surfaces you can consider as bonus.

  • Pesagi Mountain
Pesagi Mountain

Another great mountain to hike in Lampung is Mountain Pesagi. To hike this mountain, you might need to pass through some paths, called pekon Sarhum, Bahway, Liwa, pekon Serungkuk and Hujung Kenali. You will need around 6 hours if you start your journey from Bandar Lampung by bus which destination is kota Liwa.

The best time to hike this mountain is in the morning or in the afternoon. Most hikers prefer to hike starting from the afternoon and will reach shelter by evening. They build tent and stay overnight there. Then, early in the morning, they will start the hiking.

Mountain Pesagi is the highest mountain in Lampung. It is 2,389 meters above sea level. The beauty and the nature of this mountain is still preserved well.

This is one of the things that attract the tourists who love challenges to come here. From the top of the mountain, you can enjoy the view of West Lampung, Lake Ranau, local people houses, Laut Lepas Krui and Laut Lepas Belimbing.

  • Seminung Mountain, West Lampung
Seminung Mountain

If you have ever heard a story about a lake in South Sumatera and Lampung, which is called Lake Ranau. The beauty of this lake is enhanced by the outstanding view of a mountain, called Seminung Mountain. This mountain is located in West Lampung, lower than Pesagi Mountain. The view is outstanding because you can see the view of the lake.

The height of this mountain is estimated less than 2,000 meter above sea level. The interesting thing about visiting this mountain is you can find edelweiss flower on top of the mountain. You can find this flower on the months of July to August.

If you are interested to hike on this mountain, you can start boarding in the evening, at 4 or 5 p.m. Then, you will arrive at the mountain at night. You can enjoy lighting bonfire there during the night. Then on the next day, early in the morning you can start the hike.

If you are lucky, you can enjoy the sunrise from the top of the mountain. Mount Merapi is also a great spot to catch sunrise. You can read This is How to Catch the Sunrise at Mount Merapi to get the best shot of sunrise!

Lampung is full of amazing and fun places to explore. Besides exploring the mountains and beaches, you can also consider these 15 Amazing Things to Do in Bandar Lampung Indonesia. Your holiday will be exciting for sure!

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