Categories: West Sumatera

Let’s Explore these 6 Cultural Attractions in West Sumatra

Sumatra is really famous among tourists, especially when you mention Lake Toba. Lake Toba is one of the well-known tourist attractions located in North Sumatra. However, Sumatra also has some other amazing tourist attractions, especially the cultural ones. Just mention West Sumatra. It is home to dozens of enchanting cultural attractions.

You might be familiar with West Sumatra with its delicious dish, rendang, one of the spiciest food coming from West Sumatera. However, get to know more about West Sumatra by exploring these 6 cultural attractions. Get ready to be amazed by the beauty and learn the culture at the same time!

  • Adityawarman Museum

The best way to get to know the culture of a certain area, then you can visit the museum. Adityawarman Museum is located on Jalan Diponegoro No. 10, Padang. It was first inaugurated on March 16, 1977.

This museum was built to remember the services of a Minangkabau king in the XIV century AD. You can find out the greatness of the king in the form of inscriptions, such as Saruaso, Pagaruyung and Bhairawa statues.

  • Harau Valley

Harau Valley is a canyon located near the town of Payakumbuh, Limapuluh Koto regency, West Sumatra. This valley features steep rocky hills with a height of 150 meters. It is surrounded by steep colorful sandstone too, with height of 100 to 500 meters.

Harau Valley, or sometimes called Arau Valley, is the place where you can find lush green rice fields. There are dozens of waterfalls too, tumbling down from 80 to 300 meters high into the valley below, cutting by the Batang Arau River.

While you’re roaming around, you can also find some gibbons and macaques. They roam freely as this area in the Lima Puluh Kota district has been designated as a nature conservation. The area itself covers 669 acres. You will be able to enjoy the beautiful landscape along with the peaceful serenity and the calls of the macaques and chirping birds.

  • Kawasan 100 Rumah Gadang

Visiting West Sumatra is not complete if you haven’t visited its traditional house, Rumah Gadang. You can find this traditional house by taking a trip to Solok Selatan regency. Rumah Gadang is famous for its pointy rooftop called gonjong. Gonjong resembles a bull’s horn.

This complex boasts of 174 houses in total, so you will be able to get the full experience once you arrive there. You might be invited to stay in the house to watch some traditional dances and learn the customs of the indigenous tribe.

Visiting Rumah Gadang is also listed as one of the things to do in Bukittinggi and try to do more of them!

  • Mentawai Islands

Meeting new people and experiencing different cultures is the true spirit of a traveler. Visiting Mentawai Islands will enable you to meet the people from the Mentawai tribe. This tribe has one of the most unique cultures and some of the customs are still preserved today, specifically their tattoo making.

The custom of tattoo making is among the oldest body art methods around today. They use natural ink and each motif has different significance.

If you love beaches, make sure you visit these beaches in Mentawai Islands. Get your sunglasses and sunblock before exploring the beaches. Don’t forget to take some incredible pictures too! If you love strolling around, then you should put these best places in Mentawai Islands.

  • Watching the bull races in Pacu Jawi

If you are familiar with karapan sapi from the island of Madura, then you can also find this kind of bull race in West Sumatra. It is called Pacu Jawi. Actually, Pacu Jawi is not a race, instead, it is a sort of game or celebration held for the young bulls after harvest.

You can also experience this celebration if you don’t mind getting your hands and legs dirty. Get ready to get splashed!

  • Festival Tabuik Pariaman

If you love cultural attraction, then you will surely love this festival. This festival is tailor-made for travelers and known as a colorful and fun Tabuik Festival.

This festival is held to commemorate the Day of Aisyriah, the death of Muhammad’s grandson, Hussein Bin Ali). It starts at 6 a.m. from the town’s plaza, so make sure to sleep early the night before. You will see 12 meter-tall vertical pillars, bursting with colors, paraded around the town to the sounds of traditional drums (gendang tasa) to excite the crowd!

Those are the cultural attractions you can visit in West Sumatra. Make sure to check natural attractions in West Sumatra too and get ready to explore the beautiful sites there!

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