Categories: Mountain

4 Best Mountains for Beginners in Central Java

Do you like hiking and you’re a beginner? Then you should consider exploring Central Java. This province is heaven for beginner mountain hikers.

It is home for many mountains that are not really difficult to climb. Central Java is also home for many amazing tourist attractions just like Hindu temples in Central Java.

To climb this mountain, you don’t have to be experienced, but still you have to prepare all the essential things needed for hiking. Let’s explore these 4 mountains in Central Java that are recommended for beginner mountain hikers.

  • Mount Andong

Mount Andong is located in Magelang, Central Java. It might be one of the best spots to sunrise in Magelang too! It sits on 1,726 meters above the sea level and it is popular among beginner hikers.

It is named “Andong” because of its shape which is similar to the back of cow that is used as a traditional transportation named Andong.

According to its height, this mountain is not that high, that is why it is suitable for beginners. Many beginner hikers are eager to experience hiking from this mountain due to its easy track.

Besides, it also has amazing and breath-taking view from the top of the mountain. Hikers may see the view of some other high mountains, such as Merapi, Ungaran, and Telomoyo.

Once hikers arrive, they will be given free map to hike, which is very useful during the king. Hikers are suggested to prepare gloves, tent, and a light for the day. There are some snacks stalls so they can buy some there.

  • Mount Gandul, Wonogiri

Besides being suitable for the beginner hikers, Mount Gandul is also suitable for those who love outdoor activities and adventure. This mountain is located near the downtown, so it is easier to access. Trekking in Mount Gandul is listed as one of the things to do in Pati, Central Java, Indonesia.

For the locals, this mountain has become a spot for doing some activities, such as martial arts, while for the tourists it is perfect for relaxation, sightseeing, trekking and photography!

The nuance of Gandul Mountain is very comfortable. There are lots of trees and plants here. Hikers can also hear the songs of crickets, especially during summertime. The song of the local birds will accompany the hikers during exploration.

Regarding to the name of the mountain, “Gandul” comes from the presence of hanging rocks located on the top of the mountain. Gandul in Javanese language means hanging.

Hikers don’t have to pay anything to enter this area. They may also see the abandoned route and uneven surface of the street. Many Christians come to this mountain to undergo Via Crucis or Jalan Salib. They are coming from various regions, not only the local ones.

  • Mount Besek, Wonogiri
Mount Besek, Wonogiri

Another mountain to explore for beginners is Mount Besek. Mount Besek is located in Wonogiri, specifically in the border of Bugelan Village and Pacitan.  

Mount Besek is known for extreme landscape as it has many big chunks of rocks reside. The cliffs are also steep. That’s why hikers should be very careful while trekking on the mountain. However, all the hard work will be paid off by the astonishing panorama from up there.

Regarding to its name “Besek”, this mountain was given that name due to the presence of the rocks which look like a traditional food container (Besek in the local language).

Make sure you also get the full list of 7 Mountains in Indonesia to Hike for Beginners. Have a try and enjoy!

  • Mount Gajah Mungkur

Mount Gajah Mungkur is also called Punuk Sapi or Argojembangan Mountain. This mountain resides in the north part of Jepara Regency and becomes one of the best places for trekking. The breath-taking panorama and refreshing air are two features this mountain offers.

The mountain does not feature many tall trees, instead, there are only grasses and lush bushes. Exploring this mountain feels like exploring a wild savanna. To trek on this mountain, it is better to hire a local guide or porter so that hikers won’t get lost.

The trekking starts at Colo Village then continues to Japan Village and finally reaches Perhutani Area. Using compass in this mountain might not be effective as the compass would malfunction due to the tall size of the mountain.

That’s why, it is a must to have a porter or guide service with them along the trekking. If you’re an experienced hiker, then you can try to hike these mountains in Central Java, Indonesia too!

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