Home TourismPlace GuideMountain Don’t Forget to Hike These 8 Mountains in Central Java, Indonesia

Don’t Forget to Hike These 8 Mountains in Central Java, Indonesia

by Emilia Kurniasari
Best Mountain in Central Java to Hike

If you like hiking, Indonesia is the best country as your choice. People know how many mountains does Indonesia have. Most of them are in Java Island. If you are visiting Central Java, there are many favorite mountains to hike. Here are 8 of them!

1. Mount Prau

Mount Prau

In Dieng Wonosobo, there is the famous Mount Prau. This mountain is actually located between 3 regencies, Batang, Kendal, and Wonosobo. Its height is 2590 mdpl. There are 4 hiking trails you can choose, from Dieng, Patak Banteng, Pranten, and Kendal.

To hike in Mount Prau, make sure about your schedule because Mount Prau is closed in Januari to Februari due to maintenance. There are also some regulations about what are prohibited to bring or do during hiking.

Please pay attention to those regulations. If you reach Mount Prau near morning time, one of things to do in Mount Prau Dieng is seeing the beautiful sunrise.

2. Mount Andong

Mount Andong

If you are seeking mountains in Indonesia to hike for beginners, you can choose Mount Andong to visit. Mount Andong Is located in Magelang, Central Java. Its height is only 1.726 mdpl. It takes only 1,5 to 2 hours to reach the top of Mount Andong.

There are 6 basecamps to start hiking. You will start facing uphill once you enter pine forests. There are 4 tops of Mount Andong, Makam, Jiwa, Andong, and Alap-alap.

In Makam top, there is the tomb of Ki Joko Pekik, a respected local figure. Besides it, you can enjoy the view like 360 degrees from Mount Andong’s top.

3. Mount Lawu

Mount Lawu

Between Central Java and East Java, there is a popular mountain called Mount Lawu. It is spesifically located between Karanganyar, Central Java, and Magetan, East Java. Its height is 3.265 mdpl. Hiking Mount Lawu is one of the best things to do in Java.

Mount Lawu is popular with mythical nuance. So people often advise to behave as good as possible during hiking. There are 3 trails to reach the top, from Candi Cetho, Cemoro Kandang, and Cemoro Sewu.

Along the track, there is a checkpoint that meet these 3 trails so you can exchange the trails.

4. Mount Sindoro

Mount Sindoro

Another high mountain in Indonesia is Mount Sindoro. This mountain is located in Temanggung, Central Java. Its height is about 3.153 mdpl. The unique thing about Mount Sindoro is its peak. It said that the top of Mount Sindoro is even larger than football field.

There are 2 hiking trails you can choose, from Kledung and Sikatok. This mountain is near Mount Sumbing, so people often call them twin mountains. At Post 3 of the hiking trails, there is land of edelweiss you can enjoy. At the top of Mount Sindoro, you can also see a lake.

5. Mount Ungaran

Mount Ungaran

There is another recommended mountain in Central Java for beginners, it is Mount Ungaran. Mount Ungaran is located in Semarang Regency. Its heigh is only 2.050 mdpl. The hiking track of Mount Ungaran is quite short, but it is still challenging, rocky and steep.

People who live around Mount Ungaran believe about the myth of Dasamuka. It is said that Dasamuka will rise up if he smells the aroma of liquor in Mount Ungaran.

Another history about Mount Ungaran is that there was kingdom proven by Gedong Songo archeological site there. Not only about the history related to Mount Ungaran, you can also find some kinds of endemic animals and plants there.

6. Mount Merapi

Mount Merapi

Most people in Indonesia must have been familiar with Mount Merapi. It is located between Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta. Its height is 2.930 mdpl, and it is one of the popular active volcanic mountain in Indonesia.

The most common track to hike Mount Merapi is from Selo Village, Boyolali. It takes about 4 to 6 hours. To hike Mount Merapi, you have to inform to the basecamp. There are many things to do in Mount Merapi Yogyakarta.

When you are hiking, you will pass the neighboring plantations. Eventough Mount Merapi still often erupts, people keep staying there because they think the soil is good for planting. After you reach the top, you will see the beautiful scenery of clouds.

7. Mount Merbabu

Mount Merbabu

If you are going to challenge yourself hiking mountains in Indonesia that are above average, Mount Merbabu is one of the good choice. Its height is above average height of mountains in Indonesia, that is 3.142 mdpl. Mount Merbabu is located between Magelang, Salatiga, and Boyolali, all are in Central Java.

Althought it is quite high, but the track is not that hard to hike. There are 5 hiking trails you can choose, Selo, Tekelan, Suwanting, Wekas, and Chuntel. Selo trail is the most favorite one.

Once you get reaching the top, there will be the view of clouds and mountains in front of you. If you plan to go by your own vehicle, it is recommended not to go by car because the road is narrow.

8. Mount Slamet

Mount Slamet

Last but not least is Mount Slamet. This is also popular in Indonesia, just like Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu. Mount Slamet is located between Tegal, Pemalang, Banyumas, Purbalingga, and Brebes. All are still inside Central Java area. Its height is 3.428 mdpl, higher than Mount Merbabu.

Just like Mount Merapi, Mount Slamet is also one of active volcanic mountain in Indonesia. Its track is quite steep and hard to find water springs. Another challenge to hike this mountain is about the mist that often come erratically.

Actually there are many more mountains to hike in Central Java. But you can try these 8 mountains first!

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