Home About IndonesiaHistory 7 Top Historical Places in Magelang that will Attract You!

7 Top Historical Places in Magelang that will Attract You!

by Ivonne Puspakencana
historical sites in magelang

Magelang is full of interesting and fun tourist attractions, including the historical places. You can also spend time reading mountains in Central Java, Indonesia.

You may know Borobudur Temple as one of the good examples of it. Many tourists, both the local and international have been visiting this city for a long time.

When you’re traveling to Magelang, make sure to visit these 7 top historical places in Magelang. They will surely feed your hunger of learning about their history!

  • Borobudur Temple
Historical Places in Magelang
Borobudur Temple, the biggest Buddhist temple in Indonesia

Borobudur Temple has been an icon of tourist attraction in Magelang. It is also one of the recommended historical attractions there. It is because Borobudur Temple is one of the historical heritage of great value.

As a result, this temple has been crowned as one of the 7 wonders of the world as well as being designated as World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Borobudur Temple is always visited by both locals and international tourists around the world. Make sure you know the etiquettes before entering this temple by reading etiquettes in Borobudur temple.

  • Chicken Church or Gereja Ayam
Historical Places in Magelang
Chicken Church, which was supposed to be “Dove Church”

Gereja Ayam is the nickname of a church in Magelang which structural shape resembles a hen. Most onlookers look this church in a shape of a hen, but actually the builder intended to make it to be the shape of a dove. Visiting Chicken Church is listed as one of the things to do in Magelang, Central Java Indonesia.

Many tourists have been visiting this church in recent years. Many couples seek this place to take wedding photographs or even hold wedding ceremony in this building. This building has been used to rehabilitate handicapped children as well as drug addicts.

  • Sudirman Museum
Historical Places in Magelang
The front gate of Sudirman Museum

The next historical attraction in Magelang is Sudirman Museum. It is located in Ade Irma Suryani Street Number C-, or in the southern corner of the Badaan Park. While you’re still in Central Java, consider reading best Museums in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia.

This museum used to be the resting place for all the army during the fight for independence. It was also used as the place where Jenderal Sudirman lived.

This museum consists of the main house and some rooms at the back, consisting of the living room, working room, doctor room and family room. There is also bedroom and dining room too.

While visiting this museum, you will be able to see all of Jenderal Sudirman’s collection. You can even see the bed of Jenderal Sudirman there.

  • Pawon Temple
Historical Places in Magelang
Pawon Temple, a place for keeping ashes of King Indra

Besides Borobudur Temple, Magelang also has Pawon Temple. Pawon Temple is located in Borobudur Village, Borobudur Sub-district, Magelang District, Central Java.

Pawon Temple is a shrine to keep the ashes of King Indra. Some people believed that the name “Pawon” originated from the word “pawuan”, which means a place for keeping awu (ashes). Pawon Temple is also listed as one of the cultural temples in Central Java.

  • Ketep Pass
Sunrise View Spots in Yogyakarta

Another historical attraction in Magelang is Ketep Pass. Kettep Pass will let you know about volcanology, especially about Mount Merapi. This place can be used for educational, research and recreational activities.

Ketep Pass is located over 8,000 square meters of land and there are some facilities you can exploit. The first one is the gazebo that you can use to see Merbabu and Merapi mountains.

You can also enjoy the view of the resident’ rice fields. Then, there is a volcano theater or mini cinema. It plays documentary videos of the activities of Mount Merapi from year to year.

It also shows the documentation of the most powerful eruption of Mount Merapi from time to time. Get to know more about tourism in Merapi by reading Mount Merapi disaster tourism.

You can also learn more about the mountain in a volcano center. You will find a miniature of Mount Merapi, some documents about volcanology and as well as the rocks eruption evidence from year to year.

  • Kyai Lenggang Park
Historical Places in Magelang
Kyai Lenggang Park

Kyai Lenggang Park is also known as the flower garden in Magelang. This is also considered as the one and only largest park in Magelang.

It is as large as 27 hectares and is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Magelang. You can also visit this place to have recreational activity with your family.

Don’t be surprised as you enter the park, it will feel like you’re at the zoo. There are some protected animals and rare species of plants living in the park. While you have recreation with your family, you can also teach your children to know the environment better.

  • Mendut Temple
Historical Places in Magelang
Mendut Temple, another Buddhist temple after Borobudur Temple

Another Buddhist temple located in Magelang is Mendut Temple. Mendut Temple is located in Magelang Regency, Central Java. It is not far from Borobudur Temple, as it is located around 3 km from Borobudur.

From the distance, Mendut Temple looks really graceful and sturdy. Then, when you arrive at the yard, you can walk around the foot of the temple and find some relief panels. These relief panels will tell you about some fables, such as the bird and turtle, monkey and manyar bird, Brahmana and others.

There’s also a relief describing Jataka story that will give a moral message for all the visitors. While you’re here, you can also enjoy the ritual and meditation conducted by listening to music and singing.

If you’re not Buddhist, you may enjoy this ritual. Mendut Temple is surely standing gloriously in the midst of the darkness at night.

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