Categories: East Java

7 Stupendous Beaches in Banyuwangi You Should Visit During Summer Holiday

Talking about things to do in Banyuwangi, you must be able to find so many Instagrammable places. Indeed, Banyuwangi Regency has a lot of beautiful spots you should explore. As its name ‘Banyu’ which means ‘water’, you also have to visit beaches in Banyuwangi and see how amazing they are.

Are you curious to know more? These are 7 favorite beaches in Banyuwangi you should visit!

  1. Pulau Merah Beach

In Sumber Agung Village, Banyuwangi, there is a beautiful beach named Pulau Merah Beach. This beach used to be known as Ringin Beach. There are some attracting spots. You can find Tawang Alun Temple, one of the temples in Central Java where is the place for Hindus to pray.

This temple was build in 1980s. You may also see a small hill which its height is 200 metres. That is a good spot for taking photographs. If you want  to enjoy sunset, please take a look at the west in the evening, it will be so wonderful!

To visit Pulau Merah, you need to prepare Rp 8.000 for the entrance ticket. If you use your own transportation, you need to pay the parking fee, Rp 5.000 for car and Rp 2.000 for motorbike.

In Pulau Merah, you can do surfing, snorkeling, fishing, or even just swimming. For surfing, you can rent the stuffs with about Rp 50.000, and it is really worth as you can also see the view of Mangrove trees when you do surfing.

  1. Boom Beach

If you go about 2 kilometres to the east of Banyuwangi, you can find another beach, Boom Beach. It is located not far from Jl. Nusantara. Since 2014, this beach has been cleaner than before.

Pantai Boom is also special with Amphitheater Boom Eco Adventure Park inside. It is the location of Beach Jazz Festival in Banyuwangi.

In Boom Beach, you might see some yachts or power boats, because this beach is also the port for those kinds of ship and boat. You can enjoy some activities here, such as jet ski and horsing.

To enter this beach, you only need to pay Rp 5.000 for each visitor with public facilities like toilet, photo spots, and praying room.

  1. Rajegwesi Beach

Move to Sarongan Village, you will find Rajegwesi beach. This beach is so interesting because it is surrounded by rainforest. The name ‘Rajegwesi’ means ‘iron fence’, it refers to the giant corals that are surrounding the beach.

You might also find many sea turtles here, and if you are lucky, you may have a chance see sea turtles be released to the sea. To visit Rajegwesi, you only need to spend Rp 5.000 on weekdays, and Rp 7.500 for weekend.

For the parking fee, you have to prepare Rp 10.000 for car, and Rp 5.000 for motorbike. If you come in holiday, such as Eid Al-Fitr, this beach might be very crowded. You are also allowed to camp here with only Rp 5.000 per night.

  1. Teluk Ijo Beach

In the area near Pulau Merah beach, there is still another beautiful beach, Pantai Teluk Ijo. It can be said that the location of Teluk Ijo beach is hidden since not many people know where to find this beach.

The facilities are not completed enough, but the beach still looks so natural, so it will be suitable for backpacker to explore Pantai Teluk Ijo. Its name ‘Teluk Ijo’ because the bay looks green. It will be hard to find any sand here since there are lots of stones. In Pantai Teluk Ijo, you can swim or just play in the water.

You can also camp here and enjoy the natural beauty of Teluk Ijo beach. To relax in this comfortable area, you just need to spend Rp 5.000 on weekdays and Rp 7.500 on weekend. For the parking fee, you should prepare Rp 10.00 for car, and Rp 5.000 for motorbike.

  1. Sukamade Beach

Going 97 kilometres from the center of Banyuwangi, you will see Sukamede beach. This is one of the most popular beach in Banyuwangi. It has been being exist since 1927.

It is said that Pantai Sukamede is the biggest habitat for sea turtles in Indonesia. Here is possible for some unusual things to do in Java Island Indonesia, like seeing various kinds of sea turtle here, such as Green Sea Turtle, Hawksbill Sea Turtle, and Leatherback Sea Turtle.

You can join the guide to find out the egg of sea turtles started from 07.30 p.m. There is also the event to release sea turtle. The entrance ticket is very cheap as you can get good enough public facilities, such as public toilet, praying room, and food area.

The ticket is only Rp 7.500 for each visitor. If you want to join the tour to find sea turtle’s eggs, you need to pay Rp 100.000 per group, and to join releasing sea turtle event you need to pay Rp 50.000 per group.

  1. Ngagelan Beach

In Kalipahit Village, you can find Ngagelan beach. This is also a conservation area for sea turtle, just like Sukamade beach. Besides seeing sea turtles, you are also able to do surfing and snorkeling. The wave and the view are very nice to accompany your journey. One more important thing is, this beach is a good place for hunting pictures.

The entrance ticket is just Rp 20.000 for each visitor. With this affordable price, you will get public facilities, such as camping area, food area, public toilet, and parking lot. For backpackers, take a note for the camping area!

  1. Parang Kursi Beach

Move to Ringinagung Village, you will see a beautiful beach with white and brown sand, that is Parang Kursi Beach. It is called ‘Parang Kursi’ because of the stones that form a big chair which is about 15-20 metres.

It is believed a place where Nyi Roro Kidul often stays.  There are so many trees here and other fascinating views for hunting pictures. Not many people know this beach, so it will be one of the best places in Indonesia for bacpackers to explore.

There are not enough public facilities here, because this beach is still so natural. But the most important is, there is no entrance ticket, which means it is FREE!

So, those are some beautiful beaches you should visit in Banyuwangi and also safest placest to travel in Indonesia alone. Do not forget to explore them, right!

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