Categories: East Java

7 Stunning Sunset Viewing Spots in Banyuwangi

Few minutes before the night comes to replace the role of the sun, we usually enjoy ourselves gazing at the array of colors on the canvas of the horizon. It’s just beautiful and calming, to see the sky comes in the reddish orange colors right before the night falls.

Whether on the beach, up on the hill or mountain, or just simply on your balcony, viewing sunset always feels calming. Your chance to enjoy the beautiful sunset increases when you are in Indonesia. Sunset always looks incredibly stunning here in Indonesia as you can view it from many beautiful places.

Banyuwangi is one of the places in Indonesia where you can find many sunset viewing spots just to calm yourself a moment before the night comes. It’s a city on the eastern edge of East Java province that is surrounded by beautiful beaches. So, you’ll find many beautiful beaches where you can catcth the stunning sunset.

We’ve gathered a list of 7 stunning sunset viewing spots in Banyuwangi where you can capture the pucture-perfect moments of the sunset into your memory.

1. Pulau Merah Beach

Located in Pancer Hamlet, Sumberagung, Pesanggaran, Pulau Merah Beach is one of the beautiful beaches in Banyuwangi, East Java. The beach is decorated with a small hill that has a height of about 2oo metres. The name itself means red island, which comes from the color of the island’s soil that looks red.

Not only the hill, there’s also temple used by Hindus to hold their religious events. When the sunset comes, the view of the orange rays are so stunning, especially with the shadows of the hill and the temple. It’s like a beautiful painting that the universe creates only for the moment. An ultimate stunning view that you can’t miss.

The beach operates 24/7 so you can come anytime. Plus, the entrance fee is super affordable since you only need to pay around IDR8,000.

2. Boom Beach

The next one on our list is one of the most beautiful beaches in Java. It’s Boom Beach. Well, the name is kinda funny but it kinda represents how fantastic the view of the beach is, like boom! Fantastic! This beach was once a crowded port, but now the port activities are kinda lessen there.

Boom Beach is located in Kampung Mandar, Banyuwangi District, Banyuwangi with the entrance fee of IDR2,000. With the less activities, the surroundings of the beach becomes calmer and it makes it a wonderful spot to calm yourself down after the tiring day. When the sunset is approaching, the view is the most beautiful one.

There’s swings at the beach, so you can sit there with your loved one or just by yourself and stare at the stunningly beautiful sunset. Immerse yourself with the golden hours moment and converse about what you’ve been through. It must be a true relaxing moment in your life.

3. Bama Beach

Bama Beach is often reffered to as the treasure of Baluran National Park as it’s still a part of it. It’s one of the most beautiful white sand beaches in Indonesia.

Since it’s a part of the conservation area of Baluran National Park, to enter the beach, you’ll need to buy the ticket to enter the national park that costs around IDR150,000-250,000 for foreign tourists.

Well, this might be the most pricier entrance fee on the list. But, trust us, you’ll never regret spending some money to enjoy the beauty of Baluran National Park as well as the beauty of Bama Beach. The white sand is super clean and there’s also mangrove forest in the beach area.

When the sunset comes, you’ll start to thank yourself to spend the money you have on the ticket since the sunset moment in Bama Beach is an amazing moment to enjoy. The exact location of this beautiful beach is at Banyuwangi Road, Wonorejo Village, Banyuputih District, Banyuwangi.

4. Plengkung Beach

Enjoying the stunning view of the sunset is already breathtaking. Now, imagine enjoying it in one of the breathtaking places in Indonesia. What a double breathtaking experience would it be? It’s the next sunset viewing spot in our list, which is Plengkung Beach.

Plengkung Beach is better known as G-Land and it’s a part of the Alas Purwo National Park. It’s situated in Purworejo, Kalipait, Tegaldlimo, Banyuwangi. The sunset in this beach offers you the beauty of the charming sunset that could calm yourself for the moment and wipe away all your burdens.

Not only the sunset, you can also enjoy the beautiful view of the sunrise. It opens 24/7, so you can come at any hours and enjoy the moment as long as you wish. You will only be charged entrance fee of IDR10,000, a small amount of money to admire the beauty of the universe.

5. Djawatan Benculuk Forest

Even though your aim is not to view sunset, visiting Djawatan Benculuk Forest is one of the ultimate things to do in Banyuwangi. This forest is well-known as there are big tamarind trees that grow and create a magical scene of the forest. Ferns grow on the tamarind trees’ trunk, making it unique and different from other places in Indonesia.

The magical scene of this forest is said to be similar to the one in the movie Lord of the Ring. That’s also the reason why this forest becomes so popular.

Tourists commonly come in the morning. But they never knew that the beauty of the forest raises in the afternoon as the sun begins to set.

The afternoon sunlight breaks into the forest through the cracks of the trees, creating a magical scene that’s able to hypnotize anyone who see it. You too will fall for the sunset beauty of Djawatan Benculuk Forest. There’s no entrance fee to this magical site, but you’ll need to pay parking fee to ensure the safety of your vehicles.

6. Muncar Port

Spending a moment to enjoy the stunning view of the sunset in Muncar Port will feel completely different. You’ll serve with the beautiful golden view of the sunset with the shadow of ships sailing through and fishermen throwing and pulling their fishing nets.

You can also get entertain as the ships come in many colors, adding new scenery to the beautiful golden hour. If you’re lucky that the universe grants you with friendly, fine weather, you can view the lines of mountains that indicate the border between Banyuwangi and Bondowoso Regencies.

As the name of the port, Muncar Port is located in Muncar District, Banyuwangi, East Java. You don’t need to pay any entrance fees in order to enjoy the beautiful sunset in this spot. Just come, sit, and relax yourself. Just let the universe ease your burden for the moment.

7. Puncak Asmoro

Located in Gombengsari Village, Kalipuro District, Banyuwangi, Puncak Asmoro is a place that’s well-known as the spot to enjoy the beauty of Bali Strait from the height. Besides Bali Strait, you can also enjoy the view of lines of hills and Mount Merapi and Mount Raung from the distance.

The wind is cool and the atmosphere is so calming. You’ll definitely will enjoy the moment you spend in Puncak Asmoro. You can observe how the sun sets on behind the mountains at the distance. You can also observe the movement of the clouds around the mountain.

Enjoy the moment with the accompany of warm fried bananas and a cup of coffee to warm yourself as there are some local warungs available around the area. To enter Puncak Asmoro, you’ll only need to pay IDR5,000. What a super affordable price to enjoy the breathtaking scenery.

If you stay for a little longer after the sunset, you can view the beautiful stars in this spot. It’s one of the stunning stargazing sites in Indonesia. So, buy some time and let yourself enjoy the moment that your mind has been craving for so long.

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