Categories: West Sumatera

4 Amazing Waterfalls Located Near Padang City

West Sumatera never stops giving tourists amazing places to explore. Padang, the capital city of this province, for example, has some stunning and hidden waterfalls. Most of the waterfalls are very recommended to visit as they have mountainous nuance and relaxing atmosphere. It is very suitable for you who are looking for peaceful atmosphere.

Padang is also famous for its incredible and rich of spices food. You can take a look at the Padang Foods in Bandung.

Let’s see the 4 amazing waterfalls located near Padang City, West Sumatera. These waterfalls will be surely be the spots to visit both with your family and friends.

  • Lembah Anai Waterfall
The beautiful and tall waterfall, Lembah Anai Waterfall

Lembah Anai Waterfall is located between Tanah Dasar Regency and Padang City. Tourists will be able to see the beauty of the tall waterfall with water discharge. The location makes this waterfall unique as it is located on a highland area and a railway.

Due to its location which is on the roadside, tourists can simply park their vehicles there and watch the beautiful scenery right away.

Tourists may also enjoy sightseeing and relaxation there. Besides, there are some objects you can take pictures, such as the waterfall itself, natural pond, the old railway and mountainous panorama.

Do you love waterfalls? Then, you should take a look at the complete list of waterfalls in West Sumatra.

  • Lubuk Rantiang Waterfall
Enjoy bathing, swimming or cliff jumping from Lubuk Rantiang Waterfall

Lubuk Rantiang Waterfall is another great waterfall located near Padang City. This waterfall is located in Balai Gadang Village and it belongs to Koto Tangah Sub-District. The location of this waterfall is secluded. However, it won’t disappoint you for sure at it offers you a great panorama.

There are also a lot of things to enjoy for visitors, such as bathing, swimming, exploring and even cliff jumping! Unlike the other tall waterfalls, Lubuk Rantiang Waterfall is considered as a small waterfall. It features a weak water discharge too. This waterfall is also perfect as the background of photography too.

The beauty of the waterfall that is flanked by rocky landscapes and surrounded by lush trees makes it perfect. It is also safe to bath and swim in the vast natural pond which has calm water.

The water in this waterfall is fresh and safe for everyone.  You can also reach the cliff by doing short trekking.

  • Tingkat Tiga Waterfall
Tingkat Tiga Waterfall, one of the famous waterfalls near Padang City

Tingkat Tiga Waterfall belongs to Bungus Teluk Kabung Sub-District. This waterfall exactly resides in North Teluk Kabung Village. The locals also call this waterfall as Lubuk Hitam Waterfall. This waterfall is famous for its seclusion and beauty.

Tourists are able to do some activities in this place, such as exploration, photography and trekking. To reach the waterfall, tourists have to do trekking and they have to have a good stamina.

The route to this waterfall is quite challenging, however, adventurers and trekkers would surely enjoy this. They must pass through a steep and mousy route. While you are in Padang, make sure you put these things to do in Padang.

Lubuk Hitam Waterfall has three levels and tourists have to spend around 1 hour to reach all the levels. Many tourists run out of stamina even before reaching the last level, however, the rewards are really satisfying. The beauty and serenity of the waterfall will surely astonish the tourists.

The first level is the easiest and it is surely easy for beginners. The second level will require the tourists to crawl to get there. How about the last level? Of course it will be the hardest to reach.

  • Lubuk Tampurung Waterfall

Lubuk Tampurung Waterfall is located in Gunung Sarik Village and it belongs to Kuranji Sub-District. This waterfall is famous for having a strategic location, which is near downtown.

Many people often come here to look for refreshing atmosphere. The location is also on a highland which offers a refreshing ambiance. Moreover, it is also a perfect place for trekking. If you love trekking, then consider visiting these mountains in Indonesia for Hiking.

The water of this waterfall comes from Batang Guo River. Due to its location on a highland, the water feels refreshing. The waterfall is also located in the middle of the forest so tourists can have short trekking to reach there.

The route to this waterfall is also quite rocky and steep so tourists must walk very carefully. To head to the site, tourists will also need to pass through local durian and rambutan plantations.

Lubuak Tampurung means the pond of coconut shell which suggests the shape of the pond which is similar to the shape of a coconut shell. This waterfall was named by the locals since 1995.

Lubuk Tampurung Waterfall is only 10 meters high and it features a natural pond. Tourists can also have cliff jumping and bathing in this pond.

Do you enjoy nightlife during your vacation? Consider these nightlife spots in Padang Indonesia You Must Visit. Then, you can also enjoy Rendang, one of the famous dish coming from West Sumatera.

Get ready to taste this dish as it is one of the best food elaborated in these 7 spiciest food in Indonesia!

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