Categories: Aceh

7 Most Breath-taking Mountains to Hike in Aceh, Indonesia

Previously, we have been looking into a special area in the northern Sumatra, Aceh. We mostly talk about how unique it is, in terms of culture and norms. They do have some specialties in the world of culinary as well, making it more beautiful than others. It’s even better when you can also find the lovable attractions such as the best waterfall in Aceh.

It’s true that you can find those calming hidden sweet locations around Aceh. Most of them are located away from the city crowds. Secretly hide beneath the forests and mountains. And they sure are peaceful. 

Some people who want to have a more extreme vacation experience can actually try the other types of attractions aside from the best beaches in Aceh.

One of them is through hiking. Fortunately, Aceh also has some notable mountains that are known for their unique beauties. So without further ado, here are some recommendations of mountains to hike around the area of Aceh :

Mountains to Hike in Aceh

1. Puet Sague

One of the things to do in Banda Aceh that should be visited by hiking enthusiasts is a mountain called Puet Sague. Being in the Geumpang region, Peut Sagoe is one of the active volcanoes in Aceh, besides Seulawah Agam, Geureudong, Burni Telong , Jaboi and Leuser. Geumpang is a sub-district included in the administrative area of ​​Pidie Regency.

Geumpang distance from the capital of Aceh Province (Banda Aceh) is about 220 km and can be reached by land for about 6 hours. The dangerous status of Peut Sagoe volcano was reported when the 6.0 magnitude (SR) earthquake shook Aceh.

Despite the active status, the exoticism of nature around the Peut Sague is truly fascinating. Usually, the passers who have visited Mount Peut Sagoe will at least document it via notes, pictures, or videos. It’s truly second to none. 

2. Perkison

Perkison comes with a million beauty that is not less beautiful. Making it quite famous, in the eyes of tourists, especially for climbers.

The mountain itself has a peak that stands at an altitude of 2828 masl. It is located in the southeastern part of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam with a distance around 30 km from Kutacane.

 The climbing spots usually start from the village of Lawe Harum. Along the way, you will find many protected animals and plants such as squirrels, hornbills and rare Rafflesia flowers.

3. Jaboi

Although it was hit by the Tsunami after Christmas in 2006, the natural charm of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam was never spared by tourists. The proof, which is Aceh’s favorite hiking spot for beginners, is Mount Jaboi. It’s 617 masl and is on Weh Island of Sabang City.

Now, if you are satisfied climbing the mountain, do not miss the opportunity to visit Iboih Beach or Rubiah Island for an additional diving or snorkeling sport. The image of white pale mountain wouldn’t be gone pretty soon.

4. Seulawah Agam

Another best hiking spot in the city of Aceh that is also good for exploration is Mount Seulawah Agam. Its height is about 1,726 masl. Seulawah Agam which can be reached from the village of Suka Makmur, is also commonly known by the names of Seulawain, Solawa, Selawadjanten or Goldberg.These nicknames was given by both the locals or tourists who have visited the mountain before. 

Seulawah also has 2 craters, the names are Heutsz and Tanah Simpago. At first glance, the peak is similar to Mount Salak in West Java. It looks great when seen from the ground up. 

5. Geureudong

Despite its location near the ocean, which results in a higher ground temperature, Aceh also has a place that’s really cold. Even reaching the same level of the mountains to hike in Papua. And the name is Geureudong, one of the highest mountains in Aceh.

Has a height of about 2,885 meters above sea level, Mount Geureudong which is located in the village of With Pork Lancang, Bener Meriah Regency has wide locations that are planted with a lot of coffee and fruit. These are local products that are highly praised in the domestic and International market. 

You may find the bamboo forest as well, and in the middle of it, there are several hot springs in the form of natural ponds. You can soak there, because the water is believed to have curing ability for various skin diseases because of the sulfur.

Overall it looks like a magical place, that’s real and highly visitable. As long as you bring an appropriate set of hiking equipment, you’re good to go. 

6. Leuser

The highest and most popular mountain of all is Mount Leuser. It has a height of 3,466 meters above sea level, and it’s indeed crowned as the highest peak in Aceh province. This tourism object which has been entitled by UNESCO as one of the world’s heritages is included in the area of ​​Gunung Leuser National Park (TNGL).

 National Park itself is a nature reserve as well as a wildlife sanctuary designated as a conservation place for various animal and plant species. It is also the entrance to Mount Leuser. The hiker can pick two branches of tracks, which via Penosan or Pasie Lembang village. 

7. Bur Ni Telong

A mountain that looks as great as the mountains in South Sulawesi is Bur Ni Telong. Located at an altitude of 2,624 meters above sea level and only about 2 km from Rebelong, the capital of Bener Meriah Regency. Mount Bur Ni Telong is considered to be one of the popular tourist attractions in the city of Banda Aceh.

The main attraction of  this mountain is the 5 craters on the peak. No wonder the mountain has become one of the favorite climbing spots for nature activists. The beauty doesn’t lie only on the highest level. Along the way, climbers will be treated with exotic view of endemic flowers, including Edelweiss.

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