Home TourismWaterfall The Top 8 Highest Waterfalls in Indonesia

The Top 8 Highest Waterfalls in Indonesia

by Ivonne Puspakencana
highest waterfall in indonesia

Indonesia has lots of amazing tourist attractions: beaches, mountains, waterfalls, museums and many more. One of the outstanding tourist attractions Indonesia has is waterfall.

It is home for some of the world’s most spectacular waterfalls. Each of the islands in Indonesia almost has at least one waterfall worth visiting. You can also read 5 Recommended Waterfalls in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara.

Here they are, the 8 highest waterfalls in Indonesia, starting from the highest to the less high. Check them out!

  • Ponot Waterfall, North Sumatera (250 meters)
Highest Waterfalls in Indonesia
The highest waterfall in Indonesia, Ponot Waterfall

Ponot Waterfall is considered as the highest waterfall in Indonesia. Its height reaches more than 250 meters or 820 feet.

Ponot Waterfall is located near Lake Toba, one of the famous attractions in North Sumatera. You can visit these two places on a day trip as it just needs around 2 hours of driving from east Toba.

While you’re near Lake Toba, you can visit these 8 Best Tourist Attractions Near Lake Toba too!

Ponot Waterfall is originated from the Asahan River and falls there. There are so many rocks surrounding the waterfall along with tall trees. The air is so clean and fresh here!

  • Madakaripura Waterfall (200 meters)
Highest Waterfalls in Indonesia

Let’s move on to waterfall in Java Island. Madakaripura Waterfall is located in Probolinggo Regency, East Java. It is located within the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. This waterfall is famous for both its beauty and its connection to Mahapatih Gajah Mada from the ancient Majapahit Empire.

Being slightly shorter than Ponot Waterfall in North Sumatera, Madakaripura Waterfall is around 200 meters high. It is considered as the highest waterfall in Java Island and the second highest waterfall in Indonesia.

There’s a legend behind Madakaripura Waterfall. According to the legend, Gajah Mada often visited this waterfall for meditating in the cave located behind the waterfall.

The cave can be reached if you dive into the deeper part of the pond and near the waterfall, you will also find the statue of Gajah Mada. Read Madakaripura Waterfall East Java Indonesia – How to Get There to get to know more about it!

  • Nokan Nayan Waterfall (180 meters)
Highest Waterfalls in Indonesia
The magnificent and sacred waterfall in West Kalimantan, Nokan Nayan Waterfall

Let’s move to Kalimantan Island. Nokan Nayan Waterfall is 180 meters tall. It is located in Ambalau District, Sintang, West Kalimantan.

Nokan Nayan Waterfall comes from two different water sources from different river. This what makes the scenery of this waterfall beautiful to look up. The rain forest’s tree with a highest and green view makes the natural scenery becomes more perfect.

Similar to Madakaripura Waterfall, Nokan Nayan Waterfall is also a sacred waterfall for the villagers. If you visit this waterfall, make sure to follow some rules for your good.

  • Lembah Harau Waterfall (150 meters)
Highest Waterfalls in Indonesia
The fourth highest waterfall, Lembah Harau Waterfall

The fourth highest waterfall is Lembah Harau Waterfall. It is 150 meters high. This waterfall is really popular among tourists and becomes one of the must-visit attractions during holidays in West Sumatera.

It is located in Payakumbuh city, which is around 138 km from Padang city and 47 km from Bukittinggi city.

While visiting this waterfall, you can also enjoy rock climbing too! If you have never done this before, you can rent a guide who is a local so that it will be safer.

  • Batang Kapas Waterfall (133 meters)
Highest Waterfalls in Indonesia

Batang Kapas Waterfall is located in Kampar District, Riau Province. This waterfall is 133 meters high. With this height, this waterfall is claimed to be the highest waterfall in Sumatera and the fifth highest waterfall in Indonesia.

  • Sipiso-piso Waterfall (120 meters)
sipiso piso waterfall
Sipiso-piso Waterfall in Karo, North Sumatera

Sipiso-piso Waterfall is another waterfall located in Sumatera Island. It is located in Karo District, North Sumatera. The name “Sipiso-piso” comes from the name of the mountain located in the northeast of this waterfall.

As one of the sixth highest waterfall in Indonesia, this waterfall is located around the edge of Lake Toba. It has strong debit of water too! Spend time reading 6 Amazing Things to Do Near Lake Maninjau, West Sumatra.

  • Tumpak Sewu Waterfall
Tumpak Sewu Waterfall
Tumpak Sewu Waterfall which resembles a curtain

Tumpak Sewu Waterfall is a waterfall which height is around 120 meters. This waterfall is located in the border between Malang and Lumajang, East Java. This waterfall is quite unique and it is rare to find this kind of waterfall anywhere.

Many people even call this waterfall as the Indonesian Niagara. The formation of the waterfall resembles a curtain.

  • Kabut Pelangi Waterfall (110 meters)
Highest Waterfalls in Indonesia

Kabut Pelangi Waterfall which is 110 meters high, is located on the foot of Semeru Mountain. This waterfall has its own character that attracts most of the tourists to come.

The name “Kabut Pelangi” comes from the fact that people will be able to see the beauty of the rainbow at the end of the waterfall. The rainbow is formed because of the refracted waterfall when it meets the sunlight.

If you wish to visit this waterfall, you can also visit Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park as they are located in the same area. Read The Full Information About Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park Guide if you wish to visit it one day.

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