Home Tourismfood & beverage Top 10 Delicious Foods of West Sumatra

Top 10 Delicious Foods of West Sumatra

by Widiya
West Sumatran Foods

West Sumatran food is a notable favorite across Southeast Asia, as well as being perceived as the absolute best nourishment in the world, for example, Rendang. The foods are known for numerous uses of coconut milk and meat and have a zesty flavor from the utilization of herbs and flavors. 

People may ask why Sumatran food is so astoundingly delectable. The appropriate response is because of their huge number of crisp herbs and sweet-smelling flavors utilized when cooking – also the long cooking process, making unmistakable, yet enticing flavors.

Besides Rendang, there are also other West Sumatran foods that taste just as delicious, and it could be one of many reasons why you should visit Sumatra. If you are curious, check the list down below.

  1. Rendang 

Rendang has been depicted as a ‘caramelized beef curry’ and having understood that there is no better way to portray it. Coconut milk, lemongrass, stew, beef, and a blend of flavors are first bubbled and afterward dense until all the fluid dissipates and the blend turns a darker shading.

It takes hardly any hours to cook and is done when it is set. The wait, however, is unquestionably justified. In 2011, a survey of 35,000 people voted Rendang as the main dish of the ‘World’s 50 Most Delicious Foods’. 

  1. Ale-Ale 

Ale-Ale is commonplace nourishment from Rice Tangah hamlet, West Sumatra region. It resembles a hotcake celebrated on the island of Java, yet it does not utilize coconut milk so it has an alternate flavor that is delicious and delicate. 

It is said that this cake has been around since the times of Indonesian ancestors. It is normally produced using rice flour, coconut milk, palm sugar, and (water) ground pandan. 

  1. Sate Padang 
Sate Padang

Obviously, Padang has the most appreciated sort of sate in the whole nation, known as Sate Padang. Rather than being covered with dull nut sauce, the speared dish has a translucent, yellow-shaded sauce, made of turmeric and rice flour.

The fresh diced beef or sheep takes several steps to cook, and is bubbled, speared, and barbecued over hot coconut shell charcoal.  You might also want to know the best Padang foods in Bandung.

  1. Gulai 

Gulai essentially signifies ‘curry’. West Sumatran curries are regularly made with a coconut milk base, an assortment of flavors and, of course, bean stew, with certain greens included as well. 

Gulai can be made with chicken, fish or beef, however frequently it is tofu as well as boiled egg, making it an extraordinary vegetarian alternative. Gulai is a most loved dish in many Sumatran homes; speedy and simple to make, and impeccable without fail. 

  1. Asam Pedas 
Asam Pedas

Asam Pedas is one of the customary dishes of the Minangkabau and afterward spread in the Malay (Riau, Jambi, and the Malay Peninsula) which has a sharp taste and pungent flavor.

This cooking utilizes different kinds of fish, for example, swordfish, snapper, fish, mackerel fish, carp, and squid as fundamental material which is then seasoned with tamarind, bean stew, and different flavors. 

Trying this cuisine should definitely be included in top things to do in Sumatra once you pay a visit.

  1. Dendeng Balado 
Dendeng Balado

Dendeng Balado is fundamentally slim cuts of meat, with a chewy, semi-intense surface, yet has a scrumptious and zesty flavor. The meager cuts of meat are marinated in lime juice for around ten minutes.

After that, they are either heated in the broiler or dried under the sun. The meat is then fried to a crisp.

The last advance is adding it to a blend of bean stew pieces, shallots, and kaffir lime leaves. 

  1. Ayam Pop Padang 
Ayam Pop Padang

Are you longing for chicken? Then, make sure to try Ayam Pop Padang for an unimaginable culinary encounter while in Sumatra.

An entire, fresh chicken, frequently called Ayam Kampung, is marinated with flavoring paste (produced using shallots, garlic, and candlenuts), then boiled in a blend of coconut water, lemongrass, bay leaves, and galangal. To add to the taste, you can enjoy it with hot sambal. 

  1. Rice Rendang 
Rice Rendang

Rice Rendang is common nourishment of the district, western Sumatra Payakumbuh. It is nourishment produced using rice flour and sugar which had recently been processed first, this conventional nourishment has become trinkets mandatory when you visit Payakumbuh. 

  1. Kalio Daging 
Kalio Daging

Kalio Daging may look like Rendang. However, what separates it from iRendang is the cooking procedure and flavors. Meat or dairy animals’ liver is stewed with coconut milk and a flavoring paste produced using shallots, garlic, turmeric, kaffir lime leaves, chilies, and galangal, for about 60 minutes.

It is great to eat this with hot steamed rice. 

  1. Champion Porridge 
Champion Porridge

Champion Porridge is an ordinary breakfast menu in Minangkabau which is likewise utilized as the principle supper in the iftar menu, made in 1960, the post-war PRRI, when the conventional pioneers of Bukittinggi hold rivalries production of porridge, to reestablish open request from the trauma of war.

So, that is a list of West Sumatran foods. While you are at it, check out some magnificent lakes in Sumatra and top beaches in Sumatra.

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